*New Website*
For the latest schedules and updates on the UNH Women's Club Hockey Team, please visit: https://unhwclubhockey.wixsite.com/unhwch2
About Our Team:
​2023-2024 UNH Women’s Club Hockey Team
We are a highly competitive team that competes in the ACHA Division II and in the IWCHL Presidential Division. Our season begins at the end of September and plays into February or March, while competing to make the playoffs and an opportunity to advance to the National Tournament. The team is made up of undergraduate students. We encourage and welcome any players looking to continue their hockey careers throughout college to try out for our program.
In the 2022-2023 Season: The UNHWCH Team finished its season with a record of 7-9-1.
In the 2021-2022 Season: The UNHWCH Team finished its season at Nationals in St. Louis, MO.
In the 2019-2020 Season: The UNHWCH Team finished its season with 17 wins and 4 losses.
​Anyone interested in knowing more about the UNHWCH team and future opportunities:
Contact the Club President at unhwclubhockey@gmail.com or
Head Coach Patrick McDonough at pmcdonough11@gmail.com